Adam Reed Kerby spent his life praying and petitioning for the children of Africa. A God-ordained encounter for the Kerby family by getting the opportunity to host The African Children’s Choir led Adam to become captivated with the needs of African orphans. After being diagnosed with juvenile Batten’s disease, a terminal illness that affects the nervous system, vision, and motor function, Adam’s personal self-mandate in life stayed steadfast - bring hope to the hurting and forgotten children of Africa.
Jeff and Teri Kerby have whole-heartedly stepped up to the plate in Adam’s place. Along with their children, Autumn and AJ, the Kerby family continue to honor Adam’s legacy by raising funds to bless and provide for the children and community of Avontuur in Africa, organizing missions trips, being a voice to those in need, and raising awareness for children in need both stateside and abroad.
On earth Adam’s eyesight may have declined, but in Heaven his vision is clearer than ever. ARK to the Nations would be honored to join hands with you as we honor Adam. One vision. Global mission. Help children